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Wealth, Family, and Legacy

A Guide for High-Net-Worth Individuals in the Sandwich Generation

财富和遗产规划对所有人都至关重要,但对“三明治一代”(sandwich generation)中的高净值人士尤其重要. “三明治一代”是指同时照顾年迈的父母和子女的人. Not only do these individuals have to consider their wealth management, 但他们也必须计划,如果他们在照顾他人时去世,他们的资产将如何分配给家人.


Tax Management

Tax management should be a priority for HNW individuals. This may involve utilizing strategies such as trusts, 在管理投资组合或税收损失收获时,哪些可以提供税收优惠. 高净值人士必须与了解他们的情况以及税收如何影响他们独特家庭的财务和税务专业人士合作.

Estate Planning

高净值人士需要与专门为高净值人士及其大家庭进行遗产规划的法律专业人士合作. In working with the sandwich generation, 这些法律专业人士将设计量身定制的策略,以保护代际家庭财富,并建立符合您个人目标的遗产计划,并寻求优化您的遗产税责任.

Long-Term Care

Long-term care planning for aging parents is another crucial aspect, including the cost of nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or in-home care. Furthermore, “三明治一代”的高净值人士必须考虑购买长期护理保险. 谨慎的长期护理计划可以帮助家庭成员为照顾祖父母做好准备, parents, 以及可能在经济上依赖高净值人士的大家庭成员.

Education Planning

因此,儿童教育规划是一个不容忽视的领域. “三明治一代”的高净值人士通常会为子女的教育提供资金. 然而,这需要仔细计划,以确保它不会显著影响退休储蓄. 高净值人士应考虑设立教育信托基金或529计划, which offers tax advantages for education savings.

Legal Documents

Next, HNW individuals need to have specific legal documents in place. A will outlines how assets will be distributed upon death, 而医疗指示明确了当你丧失行为能力时你对医疗的意愿. For NHW individuals, 也有必要考虑其他文件,以帮助避免可能因其他家庭成员的照顾而产生的潜在纠纷. 法律文件有助于防止不必要的家庭纠纷或法律纠纷.

Retirement Savings Planning

Lastly, retirement savings planning is vital. 在照顾父母和孩子的同时,一个人必须记住自己未来的经济需求. 确保你的退休储蓄和投资适合保持独立是至关重要的. 与金融专业人士一起制定退休储蓄计划可以为你提供一个路线图,帮助你保持在实现目标的轨道上, preserve your assets, and work toward a steady income stream in retirement.

Legacy Planning

遗产规划是一种管理财富的综合方法,并确保它为其他几代人或事业提供最大的利益. It's more than just estate planning; it involves a detailed strategy that considers your assets and beneficiaries and how to use your wealth to impact others positively.

In closing, wealth and estate planning is a complex process that demands time, thought, and professional guidance. For HNW individuals in the sandwich generation, 根据他们的情况量身定制的战略方法变得更加关键. With careful consideration and planning, 应对照顾父母和子女以及保护资产的挑战是可能的.

To learn how, request a complimentary consultation, either in-person or virtually, with a Financial Advisor at Elements Wealth Management.

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Important Disclosures

本材料仅为教育和信息目的而创建,不打算作为税收, legal or investment advice. If you are seeking tax, legal or investment advice specific to your needs, 此类咨询服务必须独立于本教育材料之外自行获得.

在投资529计划之前,投资者应该考虑投资者或指定受益人所在的州是否提供任何州税或其他州福利,如经济援助, scholarship funds, 债权人的保护只适用于投资于该州的合格学费计划. Withdrawals used for qualified expenses are federally tax free. Tax treatment at the state level may vary. Please consult with your tax advisor before investing.

All information is believed to be from reliable sources; however, LPL Financial对其完整性或准确性不作任何陈述.

LPL财务代表通过The Private Trust Company N提供信托服务.A., an affiliate of LPL Financial.

This article was prepared by Fresh Finance.

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Wealth Management

Elements Wealth Management
225 South East Street; Suite 156
Indianapolis, IN 46202



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